Marriage – An end to Bachelor’s freedom

There comes a day in every bachelor’s life when he has to give up his “precious freedom” for something called marriage. There are some who are blinded by the beauty of the greener grass on the other side and hence walk willingly in to a thing ..some also call trap 🙂 . There are some who resit. These freedom fighters are tortured by everybody to the point that they also walk into the trap soon. Parents especially are genius in torturing such freedom fighters. An effective technique adopted by the parents would be to end every sentence with the word marriage.

  1. Don’t spend on that laptop…U will need to save money for your marriage.
  2. India will progress after…. your marriage.
  3. GOD will bless the world after..your marriage.

OK.OK. I am exaggerating a bit but this is the kind of torture we freedom fighters have to go through daily. Once the poor bachelor is brainwashed he will be spending a quite good money to give up his freedom in the name of marriage and celebrations. People spend money,effort to buy freedom and here this poor soul will be doing exactly the reverse.

Its funny coz all such freedom fighters know deep inside their hearts that One fine day, even they will be giving up there freedom and decide to walk in this beautiful trap but I guess thats what they call LIFE !.

You lose a part of your brain as you grow older 😉

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